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A huge word. With so little energy these days. I don’t believe anyone lives by it. In this day and age it seems people have zero accountability . Several times this week I hAve encountered it. People will reak havoc for there own pleasure. Selfish and greedy. And take no accountability for it. I was verbally attacked by a woman this week because she wants to control her husband and force him to do something he obviously isn’t eager to do. And I was put smack dab in middle. I did nothing wrong. Which may be a first but I can stand by that . I was bullied for several days to point it pushed me over edge and I spoke back. The persons daughter even tried to come sideways at me because the bully ran and played victim after they were set straight . As I read what the daughter had to say it struck a chord. People have zero accountability. I have been hearing this a lot lately. I was told over my social media I’m playing victim . As I have said nothing about the situation . I was told I spoke out loud about something that didn’t even happen or exist . I was accused of abusing someone else. This set in over day or two. Here I am. Being cursed at by this woman, my daughter is being told things by an adult that kids don’t need to be in middle of. Talking behind my back about me. And causing problems in my business. Then jumps to conclusions because insecurity , over something they read on my social media like the world revolves around them. WHY because they were over the line and took no accountability . Then after over react to me and get An ear full from me. Then goes on to have people verbally attack me. 

     I see this all to much. Many of my problems I have these days , stem from similiar situations. Dealing with people who can’t take responsibility for own words or actions. And I find my self reacting negatively to those situations . Well I guess as I say the change is in me. The only answer must be to cut all ties with anyone who is not responsible or there own actions or words. Sometimes that is only way. You can’t fix others or expect them to change. You can only eliminate it so a disease doesn’t spread . Love is the only solution. Love yourself . Let go of anyone or anything that doesn’t see that. Energy goes where it flows. Your safer to walk away then to be sucked into a game that introduces hate and negative energy . If you feel bad because someone that is there karma. If you make them feel bad that becomes your karma. Causing one loss or harm introduces that to your world. Take responsibility for your own actions and just move forward . And your path will be clear. saying I’m sorry is so much more rewarding and powerful then trying to create a problem to be right. Actions > words. One of my life mottos .